We are Geographers
At St Pauls, we foster children's development of a deeper understanding and knowledge of the world, along with their role within it. We acknowledge the significance of geography in daily life and strive to nurture inquisitive children who are captivated by the world, encouraging them to actively contribute to and safeguard it as they mature. Children are prompted to learn through observation, investigation, and inquiry, utilizing technology, maps, and non-fiction books to discover both local and distant places. We are fortunate to have a rich local environment and make good use of our surroundings as well as taking trips to further support our learning.
Many of our topics are humanities based and so geography is embedded throughout our curriculum. It provides the opportunity to develop key geographical understanding across a range of topics while also developing investigative and research skills.
As a school we have strong links with a school in Uganda - St John Leonards and a school in Spain - Agustina de Aragon. This enables our children to gain first hand experiences of what life is like in different countries and develop their understanding of the wider world.