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St Paul's C of E Primary

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School Results and Performance

School Performance Tables 2022-2023

Each year the Department for Education publishes School's Performance Tables. You can search for any school and see a table of its performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data and, for academies, their latest set of financial accounts.

Click here to go to the Performance Table for St Paul's CE Primary School

**Please note that this is a government website. Some functions of their comparison tables, such as the ability to filter the data or create a custom list of schools, are not currently available. These functions will be restored as soon as possible.

2019 Results 

In Early Years, Foundation Stage, 62% achieved the Good Level of Development.

In Year 1, 80% passed the phonics screening test.


Our Key Stage 1 results were: 

Reading  Writing Maths
Working at the Expected Standard or above 77% 63% 63%
Working at Greater Depth 23% 10% 17%

Our Key Stage 2 results were: 

Reading Writing Maths *GPS RWM combined
Working at the Expected Standard or above 84% 76% 72% 84% 56%
Working at Greater Depth 36% 8% 8% 20% 0%

*GPS is grammar, punctuation and spelling

GPS is grammar, punctuation and spelling

Our average progress scores:

Reading: +0.9

Writing: -2.5

Maths: -3.2

School Performance Tables

Each year the Department for Education publishes School's Performance Tables. You can search for any school and see a table of its performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data and, for academies, their latest set of financial accounts.

2018 - 2019