St Paul’s CE Primary School Curriculum Intent
St Paul’s CE Primary School is located in the heart of Brighton an area with a rich socially and culturally diverse community. We use this as the basis for our curriculum which celebrates this diversity and utilises the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of the community, whilst also supporting the pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural development.
Curriculum Intent
The uniqueness of every child is recognised and valued. As such, our curriculum embraces the community from which it exists, recognising and celebrating the diverse backgrounds and experiences from which our children originate. We constantly adapt our learning journey to meet the needs and interests of our children, offering an excellent education underpinned by a broad, culturally rich and meaningful curriculum to ensure that all pupils flourish at St Paul's and are well prepared for the next stages in their education.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the teaching of knowledge, skills, concepts, creativity and Christian values. We constantly provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning and to celebrate and develop the individual talents of our pupils. We recognise everyone as unique with their own ambitions, skills and dreams. We provide an environment that encourages lifelong learning.
Community involvement is an essential part of our curriculum as we celebrate local traditions and learning new skills to enable our children to take an active role in community events throughout the year. We also value the global community and have link schools in Uganda and Spain and the children learn about life in these countries and actively engage in fundraising activities. Children leave St Paul’s with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections, become lifelong learners and make a difference both in their own community and the global one.
Our curriculum approach has been informed by the work of:
- Professor Barry Carpenter; A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life of our children and schools post pandemic.
- Mary Myatt; The Curriculum Gallimaufry to Coherence.
- Mart Myatt; Back on Track
- Debra Kidd; A Curriculum of Hope.
- The work of The Sussex Coast Schools Alliance.
The curriculum we offer incorporates the National Curriculum 2014. The core subjects of the National Curriculum are English, Science, Mathematics, Computing and Religious Education in a Church of England School. The foundation subjects are history, geography, art and design, design and technology, languages, music and physical education. In addition to these, personal, social and health education (PSHE) as well as Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) are also taught.
The curriculum is usually taught using a thematic or topic-based approach. This enables the children to study subjects in context in a structured and cohesive way. There is also discrete subject teaching, where necessary, to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014.
At St Paul's the curriculum is carefully planned and differentiated to ensure that every child can be stretched and supported whatever their ability. We have high expectations and children are encouraged to develop their skills both as independent and collaborative learners.
Curriculum Framework Early Years-2022-23
Curriculum Framework KS1-Year 1