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St Paul's C of E Primary

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International Week October 2024

This week at St Paul’s, we have been very busy with our International Week activities. We have been researching and celebrating the languages spoken by our pupils and staff at St Paul’s and each class have presented this in different ways as part of a maths    lesson. The whole school spent time creating dual   language posters and labels for the some of the 26 languages spoken in our school to share the amazing linguistic talents the children have. 

As part of our World Food Day, the whole school investigated as aspect of food. Some classes researched what food we need to be healthy whilst   others investigated what can affect food supply across the world. The whole school made posters to show their understanding and knowledge and we are hoping to submit some to the World Food Day poster competition. The children met up with their Twin Class' and had a great time writing (some in Spanish) and making recipes based on food around the world. 

Lastly, the school spent the day composing, performing and learning about a range of music from different cultures.  The children were fantastic and it was lovely to share time with each other celebrating the amazing diversity and creativity of our school.


International Week 2024


Preparing for Advent at St Nicholas Church 


Preparing for Advent at St Nicholas Church



Children in Need - We raised £149!

Children in Need


Our Summer Carnival Fayre 

Summer Carnival Fayre


Withdean Sports Day



The Queen's Platinum Jubilee


World Book Day


Preparing for Easter with Fr Dominic


Our PFA Easter Fayre


Year 4 - PGL


Reception class twinning with Yr 4 for 'PGL' type activities!