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St Paul's C of E Primary

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School Meals

Children can opt to have either a school lunch or bring in a packed lunch. As we are a Healthy School we would ask that nuts, Nutella chocolate spread, hummous, chocolate bars or snacks/crisps of fizzy drinks are not in their packed lunches please.  We have pupils who are highly allergic to nuts and would ask you to check the packaging before sending this into school.  

The company responsible for our school kitchen is called Caterlink. If you child has an allergy or intolerance you can contact them directly in order to complete a form which will ensure the necessary information is given to cater for your child.

You can email or telephone 01273 411330.

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they can enjoy a meal each day without charge, irrespective of income. This is part of the Governments Universal Free School Meal initiative. You will still need to register if you entitled to Free School Meals. This is important and helps school funding.

Currently KS2 children's meals are paid directly via ParentPay. The meal costs will increase to £2.60 per day from 30/10/23.  You will need to find the School Meals section and add credit to your child's account either weekly or monthly. You can also opt to automatically top up their account once the balance falls below a certain level. This will be set up to come directly out of your bank account. Please refer to the instructions in the Parents section of ParentPay.

If you have any questions do call the office or pop into speak to Mrs Bish

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