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St Paul's C of E Primary

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Support for parents and carers

General advice for children and families

Parenting courses and support groups

School Nurse Service for support on a number of health related issues including: allergies, emotional health, sleep, behaviour, healthy eating and lifestyles, growth and development, oral health, bedwetting, soiling and constipation

Support for behaviour and emotional wellbeing

Triple P courses and talks

Young Minds



Support accessing food

Dear parents/carers,

The last 2 years have been a difficult time and we know that many families are struggling with money and affording healthy food for their family. However, there is support available. You may be eligible for free school meals for your child Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK

The Brighton and Hove Food Partnership has lots of useful information on how to access emergency food parcels  

Everyone across the City can buy low-cost shopping if they need to. More information is available here:

If you are pregnant or have a child under 4 you may also be able to get help to buy milk, fruit and vegetables. Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start). 

If you would like any more information on any of the above, please talk to Mrs Lord on 01273 721001.